Memories till now...

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Pickpocket

Click here to read 'The Pickpocket' composition written by some of our P3J & P3K Collage pupils.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Click here to read some of the Composition written by P3J & P3K pupils.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Most Responsible Pupils

Congratulations to Nathan, Michelle, Rachel and Calvin who had been awarded as the Most Responsible Pupil. Keep up the good work!

A Big Thank You

Special thanks to Kyle's and Alessandra's mummy who had kindly sponsored Oreo biscuits as prizes for the Sentosa trip. Thank you.

Observing a fungus

The kids were squeamish when they saw the mould on the oranges.

Where will mould grow? On the toasted bread or the moist bread?

The kids predicted whether mould would grow on the moist bread and toasted bread and wrote down their observations in a table. They also got the chance to observe the mould that grew on the mandarin oranges.

Science Experiments

Let me lift the gills cover...

I spy with my big magnifying glass...
The kids had the experience of running their fingers over the body of the fish from head to tail and vice versa. They also used a magnifying glass to examine the gills. Even though the fishy smell lingered in the class for quite some time, the kids had a great time.

Getting ready to grow our seeds...

Getting ready to grow our seeds too...

The kids' observation, communication and inference skills were put to a test where they had to do an experiment between the uncooked seeds and cooked seeds. They had to observe what happened to the seeds over a few days and then record their observations in a table.
Click here for more photographs.