Memories till now...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Food Poisoning

He broke out in a cold sweat. Shivering like a leaf, he held his abdomen tightly as there was a very bad cramp. He began to feel nauseous. With weak limbs, he staggered to the toilet and he started vomiting.

These are symptoms of food poisoning. What could have caused it? Who was there to help him? How did the story end?

Click here to find out.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Disastrous Show-and-Tell

A proud Jake and his pet dog were on their way to school. After much thought, Jake had decided to take his dog to school to do a Show-and-Tell. It all started well but did it all end well? What could have happened? How did the proud Jake feel in the end?
Click here to find out.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hosting kids from Brunei

A gift that is made by one of the Brunei kids

Shi Kai, Izaac and Joel and their buddies...

Rachel Chua, Rebecca and their buddies...

Jenna, Shane Qi and their buddies...

Isaac, Daniel and their buddies...
Our Collage kids were given the rare opportunity to host some kids from Brunei for a week. Our kids arrived early every morning to wait for the arrival of their buddies. They then made sure that their buddies were well taken care of during their immersion programme in Nanyang. Our Collage kids could not bear to part when it was the Brunei kids' last day in school. Well done, kids for making your buddies' stay in Singapore a memorable one.
Please click here for more photographs.

Wushu Lessons

We punch...

We kick...

We punch too...

Getting ready to punch...
The kids have Wushu lessons every Thursday as a part of the school's programme to immerse them in Chinese Culture. They enjoyed that hour of Wushu tremendously as it is different from the normal PE lessons that they had.
Please click here for more photographs.

Bar Graph

We read a story 'Lemonade for Sale' to start on the topic Bar Graph. "Tally O'Malley" is used to introduce tally marks for the kids which they will be using in their survey. The kids ended this topic by conducting a survey and then constructing the bar graph with the data collected.