Memories till now...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Science Update

My apologies for this late sharing. I would like to keep you updated on what has been done during your child's Science lessons. The topic covered during the first few weeks was Diversity. The pupils learnt how to classify items into living and non-living things.

The pupils played games to get them to understand the concept and importance of classification. Through these games the pupils realize that they should look out for similarities when classifying. Pupils also learnt the difference between good and bad classification. One way of reinforcing the lesson at home is bring your child around the house and show them how things are classified in the kitchen cabinet and drawers, wardrobe or even your collection of CDs and DVDs. You might also want to explain to them why they are organize in such a manner.

In the next coming weeks, the pupils will be learning more about the different types of living things. I have shared with them slides on the topic and have informed them that there are nature trails around Singapore that they could go to in order to observe nature and look out for the animals, plant or even fungi. Places like Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve or Chek Jawa on Pulau Ubin are excellent places to observe these living things in their natural setting. You might want to consider bringing your family there for an exciting as well as educational outing. If the places mentioned are too far, a visit to the Singapore Botanical Gardens will also do. Throw in a picnic basket filled with sandwiches and it just might be a relaxing afternoon that the whole family can enjoy.

To better get the pupils acquainted with plants, for one of their activity, I brought them out to the Eco-Garden. They were to choose 3 different plants and draw them in their Activity Book. To view pictures from this activity, please follow the link below.

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